Do you have an urge to expand your business to Brazil? Starting a business in Brazil can be a worthwhile effort, but you may have to handle a few details before you can begin this project. One of the first things you have to consider is how exactly you plan on going about doing business in Brazil. Do you want to be a shareholder, who is content to simply invest and read the reports, or do you plan to be more involved in your business and possibly create a
physical location in Brazil?
You know that there are elements you are going to have to learn about. Taxes and investments in Brazil are handled according to their laws, not the laws of your native land. The amount of time you spend dealing with your investments, and the amount of money you use to do so may have an impact on how you handle things.
Consider the element of obtaining a visa. When you are doing business in Brazil as a shareholder who never visits the country, itself, you do not have to have a visa, but you may have special tax considerations. Then again, if you plan to spend a lot of time in Brazil, you may have to obtain a visa. The type you obtain depends not only on the time you plan to spend there, but the amount of money you invest. You will have to make a decision about how much money you want to spend, and how you can spend it, so that it serves your business interests adequately.