Tag: Registration

  • New Internet Domains ECO.BR

    We call your attention for the launching of the internet domains “ECO.BR”, a new category of domains for companies and individual with an ecofriendly, green and/or sustainable initiatives. The Sunrise (initial registration period) begins July, 5th, 2012 and ends in 60 days, allowing the holders of domains .COM.BR, .EMP.BR, .ORG.BR to also register at .ECO.BR.…

  • New Rules on Permanent Visas for Administrators

    The National Imigration Council recently published new rules for the granting of permanent/work visas  to foreign  administrators, managers, directors or other executives of Brazilian civil or commercial companies sent to Brazil by a foreign investor.  According to the new Normative Resolution of the Council, for each foreign administrator for whom a foreign company wishes to…