Navigating Business Customs in Brazil

Navigating Business Customs in Brazil

When you are ready to open a business in Brazil, you will need to forge strong working relationships with the locals. In order to do this, you will need to shed some American customs in order to adhere to the social constructs that dictate Brazilian business. Failure to do so can be misinterpreted by potential clients and partners, which can inhibit the growth of your company.

Getting Down to Business

In the US, many working relationships begin as strictly business, with little discussion of family, background, or leisure activities. Brazilians work in the opposite way; they enjoy getting to know the people they are going into business with, so do not start the meeting talking about numbers and contracts.

Surprise Visits

While it might be acceptable to swing by someone’s office for an impromptu meeting in the US, in Brazil this is an unacceptable business practice. You should always schedule a time to meet, and plan on any meeting taking longer than you may have expected. This is due to the aforementioned “getting to know you” phase, as well as the fact that you will likely be offered food and drink at the meeting.


It is customary for refreshments to be served either before or during a meeting in Brazil. While it is considered polite to refuse these offers in the US, it is considered rude in Brazil. Be sure to accept whatever is offered to you graciously, as this could make or break a business relationship.

When you open a business in Brazil, you will find that it is easier to create strong working relationships once you have gained a better understanding of local business customs, so make sure to do your research before you arrive in the country.