Opening a Business in Brazil: Rio or Sao Paulo?

If you are considering opening a business in Brazil, you will have to decide which city to choose for your company headquarters. Brazil is a large country with many cities to choose from, besides Rio de Janeiro. Sao Paulo is an excellent city for business, so, before you settle on Rio, you may want to take a moment to consider the pros and cons of each city:

  • Rio is a mecca for tourists, so if you want to start a hotel, restaurant, or tourist service, this is the city for you. However, if you are looking to start a non-tourism driven business, your best bet is Sao Paulo.
  • Sao Paulo has better access to office spaces for your business. More comfortable hotels mean that you will be able to travel in and out of the country without having to worry about accommodations during your stay. Should you decide to stay in Brazil for more than a few days, you will find that the cost of living is lower than in Rio.
  • Of course, there are a few drawbacks to doing business in Sao Paulo — with a population nearly double that of Rio, traffic getting to and from the office every day can be very congested. There is a considerable amount of urban sprawl, and, unlike Rio, you will not be very close to the beach.

When choosing between the two most popular cities in Brazil, you will want to examine the focus of your business and how well it will fit in each city. When you think about opening a business in Brazil, consider all of the aspects of each city to make sure that you are starting your business in the best possible marketplace.