Quick Facts About Taxes in Business

A business always starts with an idea. Whether it is your own idea, or a spinoff of someone else’s idea, that is where it starts. When you are setting up a business in Brazil or anywhere else, you are focused on putting that idea into action and watching it grow. You may have even had some success with it in another area and now you are just excited to watch another branch take off. In fact, the only part of the whole process that may not be exciting to you is the taxes.

Like the United States, setting up a business in Brazil requires an in-depth knowledge of the tax system. There are a variety of taxes and loans that have to be dealt with on every single level of government. You will need to know the details of the municipalities as well as every single level above them. That is where we come in. Let us help you decipher the tax codes so you can just work through a structured plan without feeling like you have to get a degree in Brazilian tax law to run a business.