Seasonal Concerns for Businesses in Brazil

When you decide to proceed with opening a business in Brazil, there are certain things you may want to consider. Retail businesses in the US have seasons which help them plan and stock, as well as earn a profit. While this is a stable and historically effective calendar, it is not going to be the same when you start a business in a country with different seasons.

When you move your retail business south of the equator, the seasons are a bit different. When it is summertime in the US and retailers are stocking up and selling warm-weather clothing, outdoor items, and beachfront fashions during that time, it is known as the “off season” in Brazil. This means that those same items are not going to sell as well there as they do in the US.

Opening a business in Brazil means understanding the seasons, the retail strategies, and the differences of running a business in the US, compared to running one in Brazil. It is important to thoroughly research all aspects that will pertain to the success of your business. Essentially, if you sell items based on seasons in the US, you will have to learn about the different seasons, holidays, and events in Brazil, and adjust accordingly.

Seasonal concerns are a major factor for businesses all over the world. It can be easy to grow accustomed to your US business schedule, and moving your business to Brazil will mean a lot of adjusting and re-thinking all you think you know about seasons in the US.