Visas and Business in Brazil

Visas and Business in Brazil

If you are thinking of starting a business in Brazil, visa considerations are just one of the topics you will need to explore. You may or may not need a visa in Brazil, depending on several things. As you go about planning on starting a business in Brazil, are you planning to be there frequently, to move there, or just to manage your affairs from afar? These are just some of the facts that matter as your visa needs are considered.

If you do not plan to be physically in Brazil, then you will not need a visa, at all, but you will still need some guidance as you try to navigate the laws and financial system in Brazil. Maybe you plan to visit, occasionally, but will hire someone else to take care of the business in a physical, full-time manner. If that is the case, you may only need a business visa.

Of course, if you plan to live in Brazil while you run your business, you will need a resident visa in order to legally be in the country. Keep in mind that the visa status does not only depend on your time in Brazil; it also depends on how much money you plan to invest in your business in Brazil. All of these elements are just the start, so do not be afraid to seek assistance when starting a business in Brazil. We can help you with everything, from determining your visa status, to moving into your new business location.