Start-Up Brazil Offers Tech Start-Ups Exciting Options



If you are considering opening a business in Brazil that is focused on technology, there is no time like the present. A program called Start-Up Brazil, which is funded by the government, is offering both funding and visas for American companies looking to open up shop in the country. Here are some of the highlights of the program.

The core market for this program is the technology industry, which is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world today. The program, which is funded with a combination of public and private money, offers up to $18 million for start-ups to move to Brazil. Visas will be issued for company owners for anywhere from 90 to 360 days, allowing you plenty of time to get your company started in the right direction.

Start-Up Brazil’s goal is to attract foreign companies who will hire locals, creating countless employment opportunities for the country. This will help Brazil become a major player in the technology industry, while providing your start-up with much needed assistance and support.

Each company will need to submit a business plan that will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how start-ups work. Some companies can receive monthly bonuses for hiring academic experts in the field of technology.

More and more entrepreneurs are looking at foreign countries when selecting a place to build a company. If you are thinking about opening a business in Brazil that focuses on the tech industry, you may want to consider the Start-Up Brazil program for funding and visa access.