Understanding the Economy of Brazil

As you consider opening a business in Brazil, you will want to familiarize yourself with the economy of this nation. It is the sixth largest economy in the world, making it an ideal place to do business, should you decide to expand your company beyond the United States.

According to Forbes, the nation is home to many of the world’s billionaires, and it is also home to international companies from around the world. Main agricultural exports include coffee, soybeans, sugar, rice, corn, and cocoa. Agriculture accounts for 3.5 percent of the gross domestic product, making Brazil an excellent place for agricultural import/export business startups.

Brazil is also positioning itself as a leader of industry, with steel, aeronautics, and automobile production leading the way. Manufacturing accounts for nearly 30 percent of the gross domestic product in the country, and the manufacturing segment is growing every year. Heavy investments from US investors have played a key role in this economic growth.

As the economy has continued to grow, the government has taken more of a role in regulating business and creating protections for business owners, to attract more foreign investors and business owners. These changes make Brazil an ideal location for US companies looking to set up shop in a foreign market.

Opening a business in Brazil is a potentially lucrative venture, and the growing economy offers enough opportunity for growth to ensure your company’s success for years to come. Whether you have a technology, manufacturing, or agricultural business, there is room for you in Brazil.